The road to shared motherhood: the ROPA method

At iLababy, we believe in the power of love to create families. We are convinced that this dream makes no distinction because the right to a family is universal. For this reason, we chose to help couples realize their dream of shared motherhood through the innovative ROPA method.

What is the ROPA method?

The ROPA method, or Reception of Oocytes from the Couple, is an assisted reproduction treatment that allows both women in the couple to actively participate in the conception and gestation of their baby, where one provides the eggs and the other carries the pregnancy to term.

Undoubtedly, modern science has helped diversify the traditional family. Thanks to its advances, today it is possible to build a home with two mothers willing to bring a baby into the world filled with love.

We want to offer families around the world the best possible experience so that they feel confident to come to us and allow us to guide them through the wonderful process of shared motherhood safely and efficiently.

How does the ROPA method work?

The process begins with the ovarian stimulation of the genetic mother, which is one of the women of the couple, who will provide the necessary eggs.

The stimulation is performed to obtain several mature eggs. Our team of professionals is extensively trained in these procedures, and we try at all times to build an atmosphere of trust and tranquility so that you feel supported and safe at every stage of this adventure.

After stimulation and egg retrieval, we perform in vitro fertilization with sperm from a previously selected donor.

Finally, the resulting embryos are analyzed and one or more are transferred to the uterus of the pregnant mother, who is the other woman of the couple. She will have routine and constant follow-ups to monitor that everything is going well.

Advantages of the ROPA method

The ROPA method offers many advantages for female couples who wish to start a family. For example, sharing the experience of motherhood results in both women playing an active role in the process, and, therefore, both have the opportunity to participate in the conception and gestation of their child.

Closer families, stronger bonds

We know that going through this process safely and with the peace of mind of being in the hands of professionals is extremely important. This makes it easier for mothers to consolidate the bond with their future child and concentrate on enjoying the desired motherhood, which is possible thanks to the new assisted reproduction methods available.

We are also confident that this process promotes the creation of an affective bond and a positive emotional attachment in the family nucleus, focused on the development and strengthening of the baby.

Shared motherhood: a possible miracle

For us, your well-being is the most essential thing.

We take care of every detail to make you feel comfortable throughout the entire process. At Babynova, we understand the deep desire to start a family and the challenges it can bring. That is why we become your best ally in this journey, providing you with support, medical advice, accompaniment, and warm treatment in every step you take.

Our clinic has a medical team of qualified experts who are sensitive to the needs of each family, with many years of experience in fertility procedures and assisted gestation, who will gladly guide you on the wonderful path to shared motherhood.

Would you like to discover all the fertility and gestational surrogacy methods we have for you?

We invite you to continue reading our blog, where you will find detailed information about our procedures, and how they work, as well as inspiring stories from other families and everything you need to know about assisted gestation and the ROPA method for female couples.

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