Frequently Asked Questions
Having overseen hundreds of surrogacy journeys and egg donation processes over the past decade, we’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by our Intended Parents. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out. We would be thrilled to arrange a meeting at your earliest convenience!
In what countries is surrogacy legal?
Here are the summarized notes on surrogacy regulations in various countries:
USA: Allows surrogacy for everyone.
Colombia: Allows surrogacy for everyone.
Ukraine: Allows surrogacy for heterosexual married couples only.
Albania: Allows surrogacy for single men.
Russia: Allows surrogacy for married heterosexual couples and singles.
Greece: Allows surrogacy for heterosexual married couples or common-law couples and single women.
Canada: Allows altruistic surrogacy for everyone.
England: Allows altruistic surrogacy for British citizens only.
Georgia: Allows surrogacy for heterosexual married couples. 🌟
Is Bogotá Safe?
Yes, Bogotá, Colombia is now one of Latin America’s safest cities, ranked safer than many U.S. cities. Our fertility clinic is situated in one of the most prestigious areas of the city.
I am HIV+. Can I pursue surrogacy to have a baby?
Yes, HIV+ Intended Parent(s) can pursue a surrogacy journey in the USA and Colombia. The sperm must be ‘washed’ at the our fertility clinic. Sperm washing separates the sperm from the fluids containing the virus, and there have been no known cases of virus transmission after this process.
Can I know the egg donor’s personal information and meet her?
Egg donation is anonymous. You will receive her profile and background information, along with candid photos. However, meeting the donor in person or virtually is not permitted.
In which countries are your fertility centres located?
Our fertility centers are located in several countries across the Americas. In Latin America, we have centers in Bogotá, Mexico City, and Buenos Aires (with another center currently in planning). In the United States, our fertility center is located in California.
I am single. Can I pursue surrogacy?
Yes, single men can pursue surrogacy in both the USA and Colombia.
I am gay. Can I pursue surrogacy?
Yes, single gay individuals and married same-sex couples can pursue surrogacy in both the USA and Colombia.
What testing is conducted on egg donors?
Egg donors undergo comprehensive testing, including psychological screening and genetic carrier screening for inheritable diseases such as cystic fibrosis, fragile X syndrome, and spinal muscular atrophy. Additionally, they are screened for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and chlamydia before donation.
Will I meet the surrogate?
Yes, we can arrange a meeting between the Intended Parents (IP) and their surrogate. In the USA, you are encouraged to maintain regular contact throughout the journey. In Ukraine and Colombia, you will meet the surrogate when you visit the clinic to sign the agreement and again at the time of the birth.
Is gender selection possible in Colombia?
While Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) is available, the clinic prioritizes selecting embryos with the highest potential for success, irrespective of gender.
Can the birth certificate be amended to exclude the surrogate mother?
Yes, according to the Colombian Civil Code, there is a procedure to remove her from the birth certificate. This involves conducting a DNA test after birth to demonstrate no genetic relationship with the surrogate mother and a genetic relationship with the intended father. Your legal team will handle this process as part of the fees you pay, and it can be completed even after you have returned home.
Is the baby eligible for U.S. or Colombian citizenship?
In the U.S., your baby is definitely eligible for citizenship. In Colombia, since the surrogate mother, who is a Colombian citizen, is initially listed on the birth certificate, your baby is also eligible for Colombian citizenship and a Colombian passport. This could be of significant value to many, as Colombian citizenship can be obtained quickly and may facilitate a swifter exit process. Additionally, many countries, including those in the European Union, do not require a visa for Colombian citizens (your baby). This process may be notably faster than applying for citizenship and a passport through your own embassy in Bogotá, although the timeline can vary depending on the country.
What testing is conducted on surrogate mothers?
Surrogate mothers undergo comprehensive testing, including psychological screening, infectious disease screening, and a uterine cavity evaluation before embryo transfer.
How can we ensure that our surrogate is taking proper care of herself and the baby?
In addition to regular medical visits and consultations with a psychologist during the process, a social worker will also conduct home visits to your surrogate throughout the journey.
What are the success rates?
Success rates vary for each case, but with normal sperm, egg donation, and surrogacy, success rates can be as high as 75% per attempt.
What is the average duration of a surrogacy journey?
Typically, it lasts approximately 15 to 24 months.